



This painting came with ease and flow. It speaks to me of equanimity. It holds the energy of a strong, balanced, middle space where you can be exactly who you are nothing more, nothing less. Where your life can be just as it is, nothing more, nothing less.

I have held a recurring prayer in recent weeks, that I might show up the best I can in life, and let that be enough. That I might face each day with whatever joy or ache is within it and let that be, and not toil about future anticipations. There is much ease and flow to live like this.

The gerber daisy is sparkling with joy. I see the strength of that stem, with a strong balance to hold beauty up for all to see. She shows up exactly as she is, not toiling about anything other than this moment. She has everything to teach us. We all benefit from her equanimity.

"Cultivating equanimity is a work in progress. We aspire to spend our lives training in the loving-kindness and courage that it takes to receive whatever appears—sickness, health, poverty, wealth, sorrow, and joy. We welcome and get to know them all." Pema Chodron

40" x 40" (c) Bronwen Mayer Henry

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